• Understanding Authorization, A Comprehensive Guide
    Authorization is an essential component of application security that ensures access control to protected resources. In this guide, we will dive into the fundamentals of authorization and provide a comprehensive understanding of how it works in the context of software development.

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  • Simplifying Object Creation and Reducing Code Duplication with A Unique Factory Pattern Implementation
    Simplify object creation and reduce code duplication with a unique factory pattern implementation. Learn how to create concrete types for each interface and an abstract factory class to serve as a base for the concrete factories. Plus, see how to modify your interface and factory methods to accept additional parameters.

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  • The only 8 git commands you'll ever need (and why git command line is superior).
    I've been a git advocate for 10 years, and like it or not its the standard for any sort of version control. Over the years I've used many different GUI applications to interact with my git repositories, but I keep coming back to the command line. As a bonus I'll go over a couple tools and setup tips to make your command line experience more palatable.

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  • Extension methods, fluent Interfaces, and method chaining in C#
    Fluent interfaces, and method chaining in C# are helpful ways to reduce lines of code, increase code readability, and allow the next developer to quickly look through you code and easily know what is happening. In this blog I'll walk you through building extension methods, using method chaining and fluent interfaces, Let's dive in!

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  • The leap of faith
    This first blog post is not necessarily related to programming, it’s more my perspective on life, and opportunity in general. My first job was a paper route when I was 8 years old, I didn't want a paper route, my older brother did, but his route was huge and took him hours. Luckily I was there to pick up half, don't misunderstand, this was not two brothers going out together, he took one side of the street I took the other...

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